Saturday, March 3, 2012

ETL 401 Attempt Number 3

Hopefully this year, life won't get in the way. Teaching, nannying, having a life of my own and studying. It is quite a lot to juggle.

I am back again for another attempt at ETL 401, the second subject of my Masters of Education (Teacher Librarianship) at Charles Sturt University.  After a year of withdrawing from subjects I have finally completed ETL 503 over the summer session.  ETL 503 was an immense challenge and the assignments were very challenging for someone who was not working in a library.

This year though, things are looking up and I have found myself in a primary school library at least 2 days a week.  I am acting as Teacher Librarian in a small sized primary school in the ACT and find myself teaching all of the students in grades 3 to 6 and undertaking all of the admin tasks in the library.  The schools normal TL is working in an executive position within the school and is taking all of the junior grades for their library sessions.

I have also been lucky enough to work a relief day in a library at another school and it was great to get the chance to compare and contrast the library set up and organisational methods. It has given me a few new ideas.

To round off this post before I get back into my study this rainy weekend, I wanted to share this beautiful video that has been going around, particularly  after it has done so well at the Oscars. Looks like it is soon to be turned into a picture book!

The Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore by Moonbot Studios

Currently Reading: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (book 2 of The Hunger Games trilogy).


  1. Hi Mel,

    I completed 401 over the summer period. If you need any help with it let me know.

    I am also working in a school library here in the ACT, taking classes in years 2-6. It's my first year in the library and is definitely a steep learning process. Maybe we could share some ideas.


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